Do I need any document to enter the country?

Ukrainians can enter Slovakia even without any travel documents (e.g., passports). In such case, you will have to apply for the status of temporary refuge or asylum after crossing the border. 

If you have a valid biometric passport, you are allowed to stay in the territory of the Slovak Republic and the Schengen area for 90 days. In order to be able to stay legally in the territory of the Slovak Republic for a longer period of time, you will have to decide during this period whether you will apply for one of the forms of residence or apply for temporary refuge or asylum. 

Temporary refuge (“Dočasný odídenec”) is the fastest form of protection provided, which will grant you with access to accommodation, food, health care and enable you to stay and work in the Slovak Republic. 

Online registration for temporary refuge is available here:

You can apply for temporary refuge in person, either directly at the border or at the Aliens Police Department. Each adult requests temporary refuge in person. If you can prove your identity (passport, ID card), temporary refuge will be provided to you immediately after registration. If you do not have any documents, your application for temporary refuge will be decided in a short time within approximately 30 days. 

What support can I get when I enter the country? 

After crossing the border, you will receive humanitarian aid. The Slovak Republic will provide you with accommodation, food, health care, and access to the labour market. 

Governmental and non-governmental organizations also help and provide humanitarian and basic material assistance to everyone arriving in Slovakia from Ukraine. 

Transport from the border crossing to temporary accommodation is coordinated on site, and some Slovak mobile operators provide SIM cards for calls and internet free of charge at the border. 

What support can I get if I am a person living with diabetes? 

The Red Cross is operating in proximity to the border with Ukraine to test people for COVID-19 and to ask about any medical needs, including whether they have diabetes.  

Children living with diabetes are redirected to one of the two main Children’s Diabetes Centres in Slovakia: 

  • National Institute of Children Diseases, Bratislava – Children Diabetes Centre of the Slovak Republic (Detské Diabetologické Centrum Slovenskej Republiky in Bratislava) 
  • Children’s University Hospital Košice – Regional Children Diabetes Centre, Košice (Regionálne Detské Diacentrum in Košice) 

Adults living with diabetes are redirected to Diabetology clinics, and they will get access to prescriptions, insulin, medications, and related supplies for free. Prescriptions can be obtained at any medical clinics in the country and medications can be collected at pharmacies. 

Useful links

Information for Ukrainians entering Slovakia (in Slovak, English and Ukrainian)  

Support platform for Ukrainians in Slovakia  

Ministry of Health, Slovak Republic

Ministry of Interior, Slovak Republic  

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) tables of equivalence between medicines registered in Ukraine and those available in other countries

Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine and entering the EU

Information on free travel options offered by European transport companies


Government helpline
+380 934 185 684

Ministry of Interior, Slovak Republic
+4212/48 59 33 12 

Helplines Ministry of Interior (in Ukrainian)
+421 513 816 111
+421 259 765 111

Helpline Košice region
0800 222 550

Ľubomír Barák, MD, PhD. – Head of the Children Diabetes Centre of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava and Chair of the Diabetes Association Diador
00421 905 263 338 (available at any time in Slovak, English and Russian) 

Diador – Diabetes Association